"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"
Website Not Competitive?
Is it Fast Loading + Compelling?
Does It Target Your Niche Audience?
Is It Fully Automated For Efficiency?
"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"

Lacking In Features?

#QR Contact Free Payments
# QR Document Sharing
# AI Gpt Chat for Clients
#AI Gpt Auto Generate Blogs
# Booking Assistant Software
# Auto Admin Tools & More!

The Solution?

A New E-Commerce Retail or B2B Website for just $695...or...

Add A Contactless Store
To Your Existing Website!
For Just $695!

Try Chat Gpt - Ask Me A Question!

"Contactfreeagency.com - Website Themes Demos"

Go Contactless

Secure Your Future Profits!
Don't Be The Next Closure
It Won't Be The Last Lockdown!

Without a Stand Alone ~ QR Contactless Website that focuses on sales not compamy hype - your website is not competitive. Connect a QR stand alone store to your existing website for all payments!

Contactless Business - the new norm

Why One Of Our Websites?


* Dual Firewalls Stops Hackers
* Fast Loading VPS Server
* Professional Web Masters
* Pre- Configured Plugin Set
* SEO For Campaign Tweaking


# Complete Turn-Key Easy To Use Contactless QR (Opt) Website - 3 Pages Included - Home / About / Contact Us.

# Full CMS Secure Online Payment Gateway - Easy to use Cart and Checkout - Options For Shipping, Taxes, Sizes & Price, Variations, Gift Cards, Promotions, User Accts etc

# Logos, Art, Media Are Quoted & Charged Separately [To Suit Your Budget]. Additional Pages From $125.95 Per Page.

# Regards Web Mastering. We Can Do That For You or You Can. To Replace Images and Product Descriptions Is A Breeze!

Contact Free Agency

Website's Suitable For Any Retail or Service Based Business!

Construction / Trades / Etc

A Safe Contactless Solution For Any Contract Business

B2B - Business To Business

A Safe Solution for B2B At The Office or From Home

Pizza / Cafe / Restaurant

Your Local Shopping Delivered Safely!

Beauty / Hair Salons / Barbers

Private Bookings Defeat Lockdowns!

Share Files / Invites Contact Free!

Share Webinar & Video Conferencing Links!

Scan - Order - Deliver - Share

Electronics - Furniture - Fashion - Hair & Skin Care - Lawns - Automotive - Conference Video Link Sharing - Websites for any purpose!
"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"
QR Code Scanning

Under lock down your business is under threat of permanent closure. That's no secret. It won't be the last time either. Even outside of lock-down, with a Contact Free Agency Contactless Barcoded website your customers can scan a product's or service's barcode straight from your website. No searching pages to try and locate it again. Or get a text link from a friend for the page that it's on.

Clents can also scan an ad or a menu from your shop window or reception desk. It's then just a simple matter of ordering a product or meal contactlessly or not. With QR scanning, waiting times, queues and staff workloads are reduced. Many bars and cafes now have QR ordering right from the table.

Contactless business is also valuable for service related business. Your clients will often search for a product or service on their desktop or laptop. They'll book a tradie or a hair salon. Client repore is increased when they discover they can literally scan a product or service, even booking details straight to their smartphone for on the go access!

"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"
Scan Menu Items Safely

It's a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. With a stand alone store, your customer's are no longer distracted but focus only on the purchase they wish to make! Simple, just scroll the images within the menu and order!

"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"
 ..or.. Deliver Contactless

Customer's don't mind paying a small delivery fee, to secure their favorite item, service or food order. With just 2 to 4 order's a day, you're covering the cost of your investment and keeping your customer's safe, happy and secure. Even after lock down, they'll continue to use your App!

Contact Free Agency's - Contactless Directory

Exclusive - Customer's Can Search / Locate Any Contactless Business With Ease! 
Below For display purposes only

Contactless Business

Motorcycle, Van, Truck!

Many Happy Customers!

"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"

Why A Stand Alone Contactless Website Attached To Your Existing Website?


A Standard Website Is Not Enough Any More - Especially During Lock Downs

It's hard To Find  A Safe Store Online

Frustrated Client's Means Lost Business

It's Hard To Use Most Website's Menu's

Too Much Website Clutter = Many Flustered Client's

Easy Image Menu Search and Checkout!

Easy To Use and Images Are Compelling!
Scan At Reception
"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"
Revolutionary QR Barcode technology. Customer scans at reception or your shop window or local ad for a contactless checkout experience.

No typing website url's or writing them down. Simply scan the barcode and your customer's are taken straight to your Contactless App Store!

DFY Cue Cards
"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"
Motivate your customers. Attractive 'Done for you Cue Cards' - Additional $25 each - 4 Styles To Choose From - Invoiced Separately.

Graphic Promotional material can be expensive . You can get these 4 QR bar code Designs for a fraction of the price There's also a free QR Code Generator within your website dashboard!

All Functions Cart
"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution - Edit Product"
It's Easy, to add a product or service. Options for shipping, taxes, size and price variations, gift cards, promotions, user accts etc!

Your investment covers your versatile website, with many features, such as Invoicing, full CMS and secure online payment platform. Plus, effective and easy to use cart and checkout.

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"Contact Free Agency - Lease The Covid-19 - Contactless Business Recovery App"

The Way Forwards is Contactless!

* Introducing *

* The All New *

* Generation III *

* Contactless Business *

Why Pay Over $5,000

For A Full E-Commerce Website?

Introducing Contact Free Agency’s

Affordable Business Websites

With QR Contactless Codes (Opt)

Works For Any Retail Store or

B2B Business Website

Just 1 Easy Payment Of $695!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform - Full Payment

Or 2 x Easy Payments Of $347.50!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform – 2 x Payments

Review Below

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We Use Responsive Themes

You’ll need a professional “Responsive Theme”, from one of the following providers. This ensures that your website will look great on all devices, not just desktop. You can choose a theme from one of these providers. The links below also appear on the thank-you page, after you place your order. Bookmark the two pages now, for later reference, plus any links you may want, from any other theme provider. You can review these themes later. You can choose a theme up to the value of $100 USD, after the ordering process. If it’s more, we email you an invoice. Then we order your theme, once the difference is received.

Choose A Theme From ThemeForest

Choose A Theme From PopularFx

What's Different About

A Contact Free Agency Website?

"Contact Free Agency - Covid-19 - Contactless Business"
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Below We’ve Made This Affordable For You

Contact Free Agency is not just a website design company. It’s a global community project, that we have a great vision for. Our mission is to assist as many businesses around the world as we can. Also, individuals from every walk of life. Many around the world are still suffering from the global lock downs. The average cost of a full E-commerce website online starts at between $5,000 to $7,000. We’re giving you the opportunity to secure your own 3 page E-Commerce Contactless Website for just 1 payment of $695.00 or two monthly payments of just $347.50 Additional pages can be added from just $125.95 each.

Your Contact Free Website for just 1 easy payment of $695.00 or 2 x payments of $347.50 Done for you includes…

  • WordPress Setup
  • Plugins - Plus Configured
  • Firewall Security Installed
  • Contactless Store CMS
  • Payment Cart / Checkout
  • 3 x Pages - Your Theme
  • Additional Pages (Optional)
  • Your Domain Name
  • Premium Theme To $100
  • 1 year complimentary listing in our Contactless Directory
  • For websites that are displaying QR codes)

This will take your business products and/or service's profits to new heights! Take advantage of the Barcode Contactless Software and the many options of the easy shopping cart you're investing in.

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We Minimize Our Profits!

Contact Free Agency doesn’t make the same profit as other website design companies. Yet, I believe it’s worth it. It’s expensive to run a website design company. Everyone from Web Designers to Content Developers deserve to get paid. In fact, we still employ Professional Web Masters at $35 USD an hour to provide you with a quality website. How do we achieve this?

# We use Professional Freelancers who charge a fair rate, to lower our overheads. Playing their part in the process, they still earn well, through securing steady work with us.

# We use a Premium Theme for your website that you get to choose, up to the value of $100. Because it’s prebuilt we simply tailor it to your liking with your own logo, color choices and layout which of course also cuts our overheads.

# It’s unfair to lower the hourly rate of any worker, including professionals, even during a lock-down. I mainly started this business to do my part in assisting other businesses to recover and individuals to profit from working at home, by Web Mastering and Marketing our Contactless Websites, without the usual overheads.

# We market Contact Free Agency through JVZoo.com and pay our Affiliates a generous 30% of the total. This means our company only profits by 8.75% on every Affiliate sale of a website, on what you initially pay for your website, after we deduct our expenses.

# We charge $59.95 a month to host your website on a high speed VPS (Virtual Private Server) to provide you with reliable uptime. Your website also loads faster than most. This fee also includes website maintenance support. Over a period of time we recover some loss of profit this way, as hosting with us is a part of the deal. What else do you get?

# You also receive a 1 year complimentary Free listing in our Contactless Directory. Should you choose to offer QR codes within your website, along with the Contactless Business model.

# It’s different to the conventional business model, yet a win win situation for all! Plus, you get a Professional looking Contactless Full E-Commerce Website at a highly reduced rate!

# By choosing to invest in a Contact Free Agency website, you’re assisting individuals to make an income from home, as well as securing the future of your company’s profits.

# Plus, your website will be marketed for 12 months entirely free, within our global Contactless Directory, to a hungry audience of millions of potential Contactless shoppers, giving your website the competitive edge!

Contactless Solution

QR Store and Payment Platform

Retail Website / B2B Website

Just 1 Easy Payment Of $695!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform - Full Payment

Or 2 x Easy Payments Of $347.50!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform – 2 x Payments
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Your B2B Contactless Website

Professionally Designed & Ready To Go!

"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"

Contactless QR Pizza Store Demo – Generation III

Try out the Cart process – scan a product above!

Some generic functions on the demo site are for show only

Want to add products and services yourself? To do this is easy.

Simply log into your Admin’s Dashboard. You’ll see all your products and/or services already listed, within the CMS (Content Management System).

Simply add your own Categories, replace / delete Categories you don’t want. Add your own products, services, descriptions, prices to the Cart Inventory. Add any shipping options you want. A medium sized inventory can be done in just a few days! We can do this for you at affordable rates. However, we’ve also made this optional for you, in order to make your website more affordable to you than our competitors do. To purchase a Professional E-Commerce website online elsewhere, usually starts at around $5,000.

We offer an images, descriptions and inventory setup service. You can invest in an upgrade package, if you want us to take care of this for you (See below for pricings).

Why You Need A Stand Alone Website

For Contactless Orders!

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Already have contactless ordering for your business?

That’s great. However, in our research, we found the time it takes to find and order a specific food item or service, from a conventional website takes far too long. We found this to be the case with nearly all websites.

Clients don’t wish to search for

food items, beverages, clothing or services amidst countless pages of information. Further, we found most ordering to be far too complex. With one of our stores, the client simply selects an item or service from a compelling image. They can select a Category or Product in the conventional way, with a mouse or Scan a QR Barcode with their Smartphone. They’re then taken to the Product’s Stand Alone Description page. Adding a product to the cart keeps the Customer on the same page, in case they wish to bookmark it.

"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"

Contactless Cart Demo

Generation III

View Our Demo Store

Contactless Solution

QR Store and Payment Platform

Just 1 Easy Payment Of $695!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform - Full Payment

Or 2 x Easy Payments Of $347.50!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform – 2 x Payments

Our Mission - To Help Businesses & Individuals To Thrive During / After A Lock Down + To Go Contactless!

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Contact Free Agency

is on a mission to assist businesses that are struggling and also help individuals and families. That’s why we’ve kept our price to a minimum. That’s also why we’re are a participant in the JVZoo.com Affiliate Program. In fact, 30% of your website investment is paid to the Affiliate that promoted this page. We do this, to encourage free enterprise and to ensure that we have a wider target audience to invest in a Contactless Website. We want everyone to recover from lock down. We also wish to give people the opportunity to work from home in a safe environment and recover some of the wages they’ve lost due to lock down and it’s not going to be the last! That’s why we’re happy to relinquish nearly all of our profits, when an Affiliate makes a sale. It’s our way of helping out and giving back to the planet. We’re continually upgrading and improving our Client’s Contact Free Agency Websites. We’re in this for the long haul, long after any lock downs end. Research proves that Contactless Business is now dominating and will continue as a Global Retail future trend.

Your Customers Can Support The Cause

Use the QR Code Creator within your dashboard to create a QR image which can be placed within your store’s menu (optional). The customer can scan this with their smartphone. This takes them to the landing page, that you’re currently on. It incorporates your personal JVZoo.com affiliate link. Just four referrals from your Contactless store’s customers and you’ve recovered more than 100% of your entire website investment.

Alternatively, you only need 1 – 5 sales a day from your website for a month or two, depending on what you’re selling, before you quickly recover your investment. By becoming an Affiliate yourself to the JVZoo.com opportunity, you’ll earn 30% of each sale made from this linked image within your shopping store’s menu. You can also add it to any page. You can join our Affiliate Program at the bottom of this page.

Contactless Online Business

is hotter than ever. You need to operate an effective online webstore, in addition to your normal daily business. Those who don’t are missing out on sales to those who are, especially during any lock down period, short or long term. Contactless business will remain the norm, long after lock down!

Add Descriptions, Images and Prices Effortlessly!

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Why Fork Out Thousands

for an expensive web site that’s not contactless, or not fully supportive of contactless business? Take advantage of our up to date Contactless Website built in WordPress, with full payment cart and checkout.

After you login to your dashboard, you can easily add descriptions, images and prices with the click of a mouse. Or, simply have us add any new products for just $25.00 per product or service placement. Have us update any existing inventory, such as prices, descriptions etc for just $14.95 for any partial product/service update.

A Great Investment!

Contactless Solution

QR Store and Payment Platform

Just 1 Easy Payment Of $695!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform - Full Payment

Or 2 x Easy Payments Of $347.50!

Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform – 2 x Payments

No Thanks - I Don't Want To Take Advantage Of This Awesome Opportunity

To Lose The Competitive Advantage and I Realize When I Return The Price Is Likely To Be More!

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Recover Your Investment Below

Affiliate Earnings Disclaimer

Affiliate income earnings; vary from individual to individual. No typical income, either part or full time, is promised in your participation within the JVZoo.com affiliate program! What you earn is solely dependent upon the effort you put in, in order to promote our App. You could make a good part time income and cover your investment in the App. Or, you could make a very good 6 figure income. It’s up to you. Help us to help business recover from lock down around the globe and make a great passive part or full time income!
Recover more than 100% of your investment with just 4 Referral’s – [Purchase is not necessary for an Affiliate to promote our products and services] Join our Affiliate Program!
To Promote The Full Payment Option Click Here
To Promote The 2 Monthly Payment’s Option Click Here

Disclaimer: We do not represent JVZoo.com within our advertisements, website’s, nor income examples, nor in any other way. All JVZoo.com Logos and Digital Materials are owned by JVZoo.com and are subject to copyright. Our involvement within the JVZoo.com program is limited to utilizing their Affiliate platform, along with JVZoo’s rules, regulations, affiliate buttons and promotional materials, in order to reward our affiliates for the sale’s they make of our Contactless App.

The purchase button above is live. Therefore our Contactless Website Solution is available for purchase and therefore deemed approved for sale, by JVZoo.com’s compliance team. Contact Free Agency operates in conjunction with FTC law.

"Contact Free Agency - Covid-19 - Contactless Business"
Supplement Your Income - Revive Your Business - Assist Others To Stay Safe!
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